Perfect Day?
N.B. Have no idea what I was trying to say here so I don't think its come out very well...
Spend it with you
under covers
protected from chill air
a snowflake's demise
illuminated on the window
fingertips explore
sensitive touch on warm skin
soft lips come to rest
upon my neck
smothered with kisses
warm bodies, glide together
perfect rhythm and harmony found
desire satiated, arms embrace
head resting against chest
papers retrieved and breakfast made
croissants and coffee pass our lips
you look pensive with the news
whilst I show true with the magazine
sports section cast aside
oven switched on and emails scanned
papers continue to be read
great aroma penetrates the air
we sit and eat and drink
no need for words, smiles are enough
retire to the sofa with duvet and film
soon we're both fast asleep
we awake to the end credits
and within each others arms, we remain
you go out and collect the wine
and chocolate too
find me again under the duvet
complete with tracksuit bottoms
and fluffy socks
we talk about the coming week
you understand I just need your ear
I know you've told me all you want me to hear
reading each other like a favoured book
I know you're watching as I write
content to leave me with my privacy
you know I'll turn to you
but for now trust and silence are the keys
to a contented life and the end of a perfect day