Waves of Illusion
How/Why I write.......
Ok I guess I should explain about my poetry, well I hardly call it poetry as I don't know the first thing about it and verse gives it far more credit that it deserves, so lets just call it spoutings
So firstly - why? Well like I said its not like I know anything about verse and form but sometimes I just have so many feelings and thoughts that I need to get them out of my head.
Reality - Not all you see is real and that reflects in my writing, often the things that are written are not a reflection of me or even my feelings and thoughts but what I feel a character is thinking
Inspiration - I'm inspired by everything but mostly by gothic images and music, just looking at someone clad in black with darkness surrounding them makes me reflective
When - Normally at the weekend when I don't have my 'work head' on. A bottle or 2 normally helps the creative flow.
How - in a big blue book and always in pencil. I never write verse on a pc first it's always on the page because I like the curvature of my handwriting and the way the words flow into each other
Edit - I rarely edit and when I do it's just the odd word or two, I also have loads of 'shorts' just a few throwaway lines which I've never expanded
Why dark? - Because I can't write verse when I'm having happy thoughts. Those thoughts are recorded elsewhere, verse comes from the darker part of my soul
So which is the real you? - Search me, no honestly I mean it, as some of the writings allude to, I am many things and this blog is just another facet of my personality, which twists into so many shapes
Finally - so in other words, don't worry guys I'm really not the anguished and tortured soul that this blog presents me as - well not all the time!
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