Monday, September 04, 2006


Just for Minion some shorts (not the kind you put on your legs you understand)

Your face so full of laughter
and the sparkle in your eyes
the smile upon your face
the softness you can't hide

Your porcelain fair white skin
the soft lines that form a frown
the angled cheekbones in your face
your golden tousled crown

The Game
Confident stranger on a train
blue eyes and blonde mane
dressed in the smartest of suits
trying to cover up your roots

Do you really want to play the game?
with others doing the same
phone numbers given to and fro
with those you really don't want to know

darkness is my only salvation
where I can hide in the shadows
move unnoticed and unseen
so I can observe my prey
restless my heart racing
I see you separated from the crowd
should I take my chance to strike
or will my advance be denied?

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