connections formed in a single heart beat
recognition at some level
of lives that can be shared
a touch on skin
of people you barely know
and the knowledge
of a friendship formed
Such warmth and trust and laughter heard
all striving for the same goal
eyes alight with new possibilities
screams of delight as embraces exchange
A glimmer of love and hope
in a desperate world
A world crying out for help
where we believe all is evil
Bombardment of images
of death an destruction
to tortured remnants
of souls turned bad
Media ripping with vultures talons
at anything that paints a dark picture
ensuring an international suicide pact
as there's no place to turn
no sign of hope
but here in this tiny corner of the world
we can be reminded of the good hidden within
the trust we can once again instill in each other
the need and want to assist
All wanting to help
to aid in some one's plight
the joyous smiles
bad qualities hidden from sight